A Ramadan Gift

How does a gift made in Denver, Colorado travel halfway around the world to save the lives of women and children living in a refugee camp in Western Ethiopia?It takes a physician on a mission, a family determined to do good in a troubled world and an imam who was willing to open his heart. In December of 2011, Margaret “Dr.Migs” Muldrow, MD, founder of the Village Health Partnership (VHP), prepared to return to Western Ethiopia to continue working with local communities to save women for whom giving birth is, too often, a death sentence. Before Dr. Migs left Denver, Seeme Hasan of the Hasan Family Foundation, gave her a $500 donation and a letter of introduction to be used as a Ramadan gift. Hasan’s directive was clear: find an imam in the local community, give him the money and ask him to use it to help his people. “It was really a unique gift,” said Dr. Migs, “because in the letter the Hasan family asked the imam to trust us, even though we were outsiders and not Muslims. So that letter was huge.” But this gift also weighed heavily on her mind. “I worried about how I could [...]

By |2017-01-31T20:53:51+00:00January 31st, 2017|0 Comments

CSU-Pueblo name Hasan School of Business Donor of the Week

Hasan School of Business at CSU-Pueblo Colorado State University-Pueblo has served the changing needs of the citizens of Colorado and the U.S. for over 76 years. The university began in 1933 as Southern Colorado Junior College and was renamed CSU-Pueblo in July 2001. Read Full Article Save

By |2017-01-05T03:58:00+00:00January 5th, 2017|0 Comments

Margaret “Migs” Muldrow

Margaret “Migs” Muldrow, MD is the founder and chair of the VHP Board of Directors, chair of the Communications and Fundraising committee, and co-chair of the Ethiopia Operations committee. After growing up in rural Ethiopia, Migs and her family moved to the United States. She received a B.S. in Economics, International Affairs, and Chinese History from Lewis and Clark College, followed by a M.D. from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she was named the Centennial Scholar for Humanitarianism in Medicine. Migs completed residency training in Internal Medicine and Dermatology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Dermatology. She currently works in private practice and is a Denver “5280 Top Doc.” Read 5280 Article > Save The mission of the Village Health Partnership (VHP) is to prevent maternal and neonatal death in childbirth, and to treat and prevent gynecologic complications of childbirth in rural Ethiopia. Zahara, age 35, had traveled a long way to tell us her story. We could tell things weren’t well from her gaunt and depressed appearance. She had no access to birth control, [...]

By |2017-01-05T04:39:28+00:00December 29th, 2016|0 Comments

Muhammad Ali Hasan

The Hasan Family Foundation has always tried to pursue education in awarding its grants and fellowships. A major Southern Colorado Issue was and is Water. Water is also an important issue. Therefore when a family member showed interest in pursuing water issues and researching them the Foundation was delighted to get involved in the issue. Ali Hasan’s water analysis led to funding a fellowship on the issue of water, land and the environment. Ali Hasan has also volunteered countless hours to organizing, developing and managing some of the programs the Foundation has supported and funded –  Colorado Music Fest, Muslims for America, Newspapers in School, Animal shelters, Lectures on Muslim issues and Muslim Countries and their economic issues  We are proud of the Public Service work all the family members get involved in not only in Colorado but all over USA and also Internationally. We are especially proud of Ali Hasan because when 9/11 occurred Ali was in college. He took a great deal of time to condemn what happened. He started making public appearances, organizing vigils, appearing on media, especially television shows and BBC Radio. In his support of the War On Terror and the American soldiers [...]

By |2016-12-29T11:35:06+00:00December 22nd, 2016|0 Comments

Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed

Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed IBN Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies & Professor of International Relations School of International Service and Distinguished senior fellow of the Hasan Family Foundation Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed is a learned and distinguished Pakistani who is both an author and teacher. The Hasan Family Foundation considered it a great honor when the Ambassador accepted the fellowship. The fellowship was funded for a one year period to help research for completing the book "Journey Into Islam." Included in the fellowship was time spent on speaking to media and or for educational purpose about American Muslims and about the religion of Islam. Mrs. Seeme Hasan considers Mr. Ahmed as an older brother and appreciates his time that he has put in after nine eleven to educate the media and the American citizens at large about Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Wazirisitan area and its Pathan or Pushtun population. It was her honor to introduce Mr. Ahmed to President George Bush at the White House during a Ramadan Diner. The dinner was made more memorable after Mr. Ahmed wrote a splendid article about the experience. Mr. Ahmed is active everyday in the [...]

By |2016-12-22T12:51:55+00:00December 22nd, 2016|0 Comments

Other news

Ali Hasan Carries on the Family Tradition Building Bridges A Fitting Stage Christmas Comes Early to USC Citizen of the Year Hasans to be honored at CSU-Pueblo banquet Editorial: A Pakistani Ivy University in the Making? 1998 & 1999 Inductees Hasan Family Foundation - Google Search Meridian International Center - Board of Trustees CSU Press Release Parkview History The Hall of Fame AEI - Short Publications - Public Diplomacy in the Arab and Muslim World The Hasan Drama Fest presents a Missoula performance 'The Little Mermaid' - Pueblo, CO - AmericanTowns.com Hasan Stage Under Way A Fitting Stage Health Systems Wins a $2.5 Billion Contract Past President's Medallion Recipients STRENGTHENING AMERICA'S FUTURE INITIATIVE: U.S. GEOPOLITICAL RELATIONS — ASIA Chiefs' Dispute Threat to Merger Of 2 California Health Networks Malik Hasan - Health Care History of Health Systems International, Inc. Dr. Malik M. Hasan - Afghanistan Study Group Report A Pakistani Ivy University in the Making? Pueblo Community College - Past Hall of Fame Inductees The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress - Board of Trustees AFGHANISTAN STUDY GROUP (ASG) Principal Members Dr. Malik M. Hasan - Founder Health Net, Inc. & Health Trio, Inc.

By |2017-01-04T08:58:27+00:00December 22nd, 2016|0 Comments

Books help bridge Islamic and American cultures

The Hasan Family Foundation recently donated $935 to the Auraria Library, which serves the University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State College of Denver and the Community College of Denver, to purchase 13 books on Islamic art and architecture. The donation was made in hopes that the books will help educate the general public about Islam and its culture. … Read More

By |2016-12-22T12:39:30+00:00December 22nd, 2016|0 Comments
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