Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed

IBN Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies & Professor of International Relations School of International Service and Distinguished senior fellow of the Hasan Family Foundation

Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed is a learned and distinguished Pakistani who is both an author and teacher. The Hasan Family Foundation considered it a great honor when the Ambassador accepted the fellowship. The fellowship was funded for a one year period to help research for completing the book “Journey Into Islam.” Included in the fellowship was time spent on speaking to media and or for educational purpose about American Muslims and about the religion of Islam.

Mrs. Seeme Hasan considers Mr. Ahmed as an older brother and appreciates his time that he has put in after nine eleven to educate the media and the American citizens at large about Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Wazirisitan area and its Pathan or Pushtun population. It was her honor to introduce Mr. Ahmed to President George Bush at the White House during a Ramadan Diner. The dinner was made more memorable after Mr. Ahmed wrote a splendid article about the experience.

Mr. Ahmed is active everyday in the Washington DC area helping the various government departments on understanding the issues related to the War On Terror. He also is a great teacher and author. His energetic ventures take him all over the globe.

We could not do justice to his bio, so we welcome readers to visit Mr. Ahmed’s website and learn more about him.

We at the Hasan Family Foundation are very proud to be associated with an important book authored by him and published by the Brookings Institution.

Click here: Profile Akbar Ahmed

Journey into Islam
The Crisis of Globalization

Akbar Ahmed, Brookings Institution Press 2007 c. 323pp.

“Why?” Years after September 11, we are still looking for answers. Internationally renowned Islamic scholar Akbar Ahmed knew that this question could not be answered until Islam and the West found a way past the hatred and mistrust intensified by the war on terror and the forces of globalization. Seeking to establish dialogue and understanding between these cultures, Ahmed led a team of dedicated young Americans on a daring and unprecedented tour of the Muslim world. Journey into Islam: The Crisis of Globalization is the riveting story of their search for common ground.